The residence halls are a place to come together to celebrate each other and learn to live as a community.
In your three years on campus at Occidental College, you will have many different living options. During your first year, you can live in a Themed Living Community, a first year hall, or a hall with both first year and upper division students. View a gallery of all of Oxy's residence halls.
Sophomores have the option to live in an upper-divison Themed Living Community or in one of the Sophomore Experience Halls. In your third or fourth year you will go through the room draw process. This allows you to select your room in one of our upper-division halls or a hall with both first year and upper division students. You also have the option of applying for themed living communities. Or, explore Fraternity and Sorority Life at Oxy.
Resident Advisor Nathan Tam '23 takes us on a tour of several Occidental College residence halls, meeting students along the way. These Oxy Tigers share the ins and outs of living in res halls, choosing roommates, campus life and more.