On Occidental’s Martin Luther King Day of Service, President Stritikus reflects on the College’s identity and highlights a few community resources.

Dear Campus Community:

This afternoon, I'll join fellow members of our community for Oxy’s Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Service 2025. I can think of no better way to start our spring semester than living our values of excellence, equity, community and service. Days like today have me reflecting on our identity as a liberal arts college and our impact on society. With those values in mind, I'd like to update you on a few resources available to our community.

I want to reaffirm the College’s Statement of Principles regarding support for international, immigrant, and undocumented students. With guidance from the California Attorney General, the College will follow local, state, and federal regulations, and we will continue to provide updates, support, and advice to impacted members of our community. I encourage community members to review this informational web page regarding immigration issues and this list of external resources related to legal issues, gender, civil liberties, and other important issues. I also hope you’ll reach out to our many existing resources on campus, including the Dean of Students Office, International Programs Office, Intercultural Community Center, Center for Gender Equity, and Civil Rights & Title IX Office.

Occidental will host a “Know Your Rights” informational session on Wednesday, Jan. 29, in partnership with the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF). This session will be open to the entire Occidental community, and I encourage you to attend (RSVP here). The College will also be offering legal consultations with an immigration attorney for students in need of those services (who will receive more information about this opportunity separately).

As always, my goal is to find ways to bring us together. I hope that we’ll continue to find strength in our community and to show compassion, respect, and care for one another. As we continually evaluate the shifting policy landscape, the Office of the President will continue to offer support and education as we strive to achieve our mission.

If you have questions about these resources or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to oxy@oxy.edu, so that we can direct your inquiry to the appropriate staff.


Contact the President’s Office
Arthur G. Coons Administrative Center, 3rd Floor

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. M-F 
Call or email to schedule an appointment