Meet the 2024-2025 Writing Advisers



Drop-In Writing Center Schedule: Fall 2024









Mikayla (S)




Jazzy (S)




Kincaid (S)


Sam C.

Sofia L.

Cadence (S)



Emma (S)



Sofia L.


Alphonse (S)


Sam A.

Marina (S)



Hayden (S)



Hayden (S)


Sam A.

Henry (S)




Sophia C. (S)




Margaret (S)



Sam C.

Josh (S)




Sophie P-T (S)



Sophia C. 

Gianna (S)



S = Shift supervisor


Fries Writing Center Bio profile

Kincaid Fries


Class of 2026

Writing Fellow

Major: Computer Science and Economics

A place that feels like home: Sofia, Bulgaria

My name is Kincaid, and this is my second year working in the writing center, but my first working as a writing fellow! I understand that everybody feels differently about writing, but to me, the best writing is built on ideas that the writer themself finds the most compelling. I am looking forward to helping you tap into those ideas to write great papers. Outside the WC I enjoy sports and trying new restaurants.

Pronouns: He/Him

Marcus Writing Center bio profile

Marina Marcus


Class of 2025

Writing Fellow

Major:  English

Minor: Politics & Interdisciplinary Writing

A place that feels like home: The Adirondacks <3

My name is Marina and I'm a senior English major at Oxy this year. This is my third year at the Writing Center and I'm excited to continue helping and getting to know everyone who comes in! Writing can be so stressful, but I love it and I hope I can help you love it too. Outside of the Writing Center you can find me at the Oxy pool, reading, or eating a bagel

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Wanner Bio

Cadence Wanner


Class of 2025

Major: Group Language 

Minor: Cognitive Science 

A place that feels like home: Downtown Los Angeles

Hi! I’m Cadence, and I am a junior Group Language major and Cognitive Science minor from the Los Angeles San Fernando Valley area. I am very passionate about the writing process and very excited to support other students, too! If I’m not at the Writing Center, I am probably crocheting, driving, or playing with my dog!

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Brown Bio

Hayden Brown


Class of 2026

Major: Undeclared

A place that feels like home: The Mall of America

I'm Hayden and I'm a sophomore at Oxy! I'm undeclared but considering CSLC with a focus in French literature. I look forward to helping other students through the writing process, whoever you are and whatever your writing background is. When I'm not in the writing center I enjoy silly activities with my friends. Can't wait to meet you!

Pronouns: he/him/his

garnica writing center profile

Rebeca Garnica


Class of 2027

Major:  Economics

Minor:  Biology

A place that feels like home: Pasadena, CA

Hi! My name is Rebeca and I am a sophomore Economics major with a minor in Biology. I'm from Pasadena, CA, and this is my first year working at the Writing Center. As a writing advisor, I am most looking forward to hearing about what interesting topics students are writing about. I hope to support students as they thrive to become better writers and to build their confidence in their writing skills. Outside of the WC you can find me designing clothes, reading, watching MMA or soccer, dancing, hanging out with my three cats, and making jewelry!


Pronouns: she/her

Chhabria profile

Jazzy Chhabria


Class of 2026

Major: Politics & Economics

Minor: Cognitive Science

A place that feels like home: Laguna Beach, California

IHi everyone! I'm Jazzy, a sophomore from Orange County. I am a Politics and Economics double major with a minor in Cognitive Science, on the pre-law track. This year is my first year in the Writing Center. I'm looking forward to supporting and encouraging students through all stages of the writing process. Because the Writing Center has been such a great resource for me, I hope I can help make it one for you too! Outside of the Writing Center, I love: concerts, thrifting, my plants, and coffee from the Green Bean (my favorite drinks are the caramel macchiato and matcha latte).

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Josh Foster


Class of 2025

Major: History

Minor: MAC & French Studies

A place that feels like home:  Portland, Oregon

Hi everybody! My name is Josh and I’m a sophomore from Portland, OR. I am beyond excited to help my peers do some awesome writing, and I hope to make meaningful connections in each of my sessions. If I’m not at the Writing Center, I’ll probably be jamming on the piano in Newcomb, working on a comedy sketch in the library, or trying a new restaurant with friends. See you soon! 

Pronouns: he/him/his

nguyen writing center profile

Giannna Nguyen


Class of 2026

Major: UEP

Minor: Interdisciplinary Writing & Asian Studies

A place that feels like home: Anywhere that I can lie down and sleep

Gianna is a junior UEP major and Interdisciplinary Writing minor. They are excited to be returning for their second year at the Writing Center and to continue supporting students in their writing endeavors. They hope to assist students in discovering what writing process works best for them and make writing papers more enjoyable. When they're not at the Writing Center, you can find Gianna somewhere out there reading, junk journaling, or playing Pikmin Bloom!

Pronouns: they/he/she

Writing center Cohen profile picture

Lyn Strober-Cohen


Class of 2026

Major: American Studies

A place that feels like home: URJ Camp Kalsman

My name is Lyn Strober-Cohen and I am an American Studies major from Seattle. I am so excited to be working at the writing center as a resource for other Oxy students to be successful. When I am not writing an essay, you can find me hanging out with friends on the quad, drinking coffee at the Green Bean, or thrifting while on an off-campus adventure.

Pronouns: they/them/theirs

Fukumoto Writing Center bio profile

Ari Fukumoto


Class of 2027

Major: Studio Art and English

A place that feels like home: Sandy's Beach in Oahu, Hawaii

I'm Ari and I'm double majoring in Studio Art and English. I hope I can help people get excited for writing and the new ideas they get to learn! Writing can seem tedious but there is always something in the process that you can find meaning and wonder in, trust. I love going on whimsical adventures, finding treasures, and looking at the moon. Hope to see you soon...

Pronouns: She/her

seanery writing center profile

Margaret Seaney


Class of 2025

Writing Fellow

Major: Comparative Studies in Literature & Culture

Minor: Politics and Interdisciplinary Writing

A place that feels like home: Snoqualmie Ice Cream

My name is Margaret and I am a senior CSLC major with a politics and Interdisciplinary Writing double minor. I’m super excited for my third year in the Writing Center, and second year as a Writing Fellow! My favorite part of working at the Writing Center is building community with my peers and building confidence through writing. When I’m not at the Writing Center, you can find me reading, exploring LA, watching movies, or hanging out with my friends. I hope I get to work with you soon!!

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Ward Writing Center bio profile


Jay Ward 


Class of 2027

Major: MAC

Minor: Religious Studies


A place that feels like home: The Rocky Mountains

My name is Jay Ward, and I'm a sophomore from Loveland, Colorado. I'm planning to major in Media Arts and Culture, with a minor in Religious Studies. I love writing, and I'm excited to help others through the writing process so that it can be exciting rather than intimidating. When I'm not in the Writing Center, I like taking photos, playing guitar, and watching Dodgers baseball!


Pronouns: He/Him

Writing Center Lauro Profile Picture

Sofia Lauro


Class of 2025

Major: Comparitive Studies in Literature & Culture

Minor: German

A place that feels like home: Mount Fiji

Hi! I'm Sofia, a junior CSLC major and German minor in my first year at the Writing Center. Learning to utilize a language to articulate one's thoughts, passions, and convictions is one of the most valuable takeaways academics provides, and I believe writing fosters the ability for clear and/or creative expression like nothing else. I am excited to help people feel confident in their work and learn to love the process! Outside of the WC, I love all things language and study Latin, Ancient Greek, German, and Italian, and am an avid reader who enjoys creative writing (poetry and prose!).

Pronouns: she/any

writing center dempcy profile

Emma Sindel-Dempcy


Class of 2026

Major: UEP

A place that feels like home: Seattle

I'm Emma and I'm a sophomore UEP major. I love writing, and I've always enjoyed peer-editing my friends' papers, so I'm really excited to be able to work with students on their writing this year as a Writing Adviser. I hope to be a helpful resource to everyone who comes in at any stage of the writing process. Outside of the Writing Center, you'll find me reading, playing rugby, going to Scoops (on York!) and hanging out with my friends.

Pronouns: she/her/hers

writing center Hladky profile

Madeleine Hladky


Class of 2026

Major: Undeclared 

A place that feels like home:  Anywhere by the ocean!

My name is Madeleine, and I’m a sophomore considering bio for my major! I’m excited for my first year at the Writing Center. I hope to support all writers through their process and to help them feel confident about their work! When I’m not at the WC, I love to go to the beach, spend time with friends, and explore LA.

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Gonsalves writing center bio profile

Grace Gonsalves


Class of 2025

Major: Sociology

Minor:  English and Interdisciplinary Writing

A place that feels like home:  Pacific Beach

As I wrote in my first ever profile of myself in second-grade, “Grace Gonsalves is the person I am” (insert crying laughing emoji, upside down face emoji). While I am from the Bay Area (Walnut Creek, CA), I have spent a lot of time in both Chicago, IL and San Francisco, CA, so I consider myself a “city girl” not a “suburbanite.” I have always been a writer, and I am very much still my child self who playing on typewriters, highlighting in my books, camping and being a camp counselor, and swimming incessantly in any body of water nearby. I am a junior year transfer student new to the writing center this year, and I am very excited to be here. Catch me if you can!

Pronouns: she/her

Alphonse Writing Center Bio Profile

Alphonse Wan


Class of 2026

Major: Comparative Studies in Literature & Culture and Asian Studies

A place that feels like home: In words and art

Hi! My name is Alphonse, and I’m a Junior CSLC and Asian Studies double major. I love writing and have poured my being into creative fiction, poems, and expository essays. Simultaneously, I have first-hand experience with the frustration of writing, where words seem to cobble up and collapse into an intelligible mess. Thus it is my wish that I can help make the writing process less daunting and frustrating, and even help students get excited about writing as a medium of self-expression! Outside of the Writing Center, I love dancing, watching anime, doodling, and journaling.

Pronouns: he/they

Lewellen writing center profile bio

Jackson Lewellen


Class of 2026

Major:  Sociology

Minor: History and GWSS

A place that feels like home:  The Presidio in San Francisco

Hello everyone! My name is Jackson, and I'm a junior Sociology major, minoring in History and GWSS. I love reading social theory and history books, and I will gab with anyone about theory if you ask me! In my free time I love to make music, teach and play tennis, and walk around our beautiful neighborhood :)

Pronouns: he/they

Mikayla Woods


Class of 2025

Writing Fellow

Major: American Studies and Black Studies

Minor: English

A place that feels like home: Cannon Beach, Oregon

Mikayla is a junior, and a second year writing advisor from San Francisco, CA. She is extremely excited to begin her time at the Writing Center, to assist her peers in their academic needs. Mikayla loves to read and write, so she can’t wait to bring her passion for learning to the Writing Center. In her free time Mikayla enjoys playing soccer, reading a good book, cuddling up with her dog, and traveling with her best friend.

Pronouns: she/her

Siedler Writing Center bio profile

Nisha Siedler


Class of 2027

Major:  English

Minor:  CSLC

A place that feels like home: Fort Greene

Hi! My name is Nisha, and I'm a sophomore English major and a potential CSLC minor from Brooklyn, NY. This is my first year as a writing advisor, so I am very excited to meet new people and learn from what they have to say through their writing! When I'm not at the WC, I love to read books, go on runs with my friends, and thrift cute clothes.

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Kreuter writing center profile bio

Cal Kreuter


Class of 2027

Major: History

Minor: Spanish

A place that feels like home: St. Louis, Missouri

Hi everyone, I'm Cal and I'm a sophomore History major from St. Louis, Missouri. No matter which stage of the writing process you're in or your prior writing experiences, I'm super excited to work with you to improve your writing. Outside of the Writing Center, I love playing intramural basketball, spikeball, practicing piano, and eating Wingstop. I look forward to collaborating with you all this school year!

Pronouns: he/him

Writing Center Fries Profile

Kincaid Fries


Class of 2026

Major: Computer Science

A place that feels like home: PNW

My name is Kincaid, and I am going to be starting my first year as a writing advisor. I understand that everybody feels differently about writing, but I am genuinely excited to work with everyone no matter where they stand. To me, the best writing is built on ideas that the writer themself finds the most compelling. I am looking forward to helping you tap into those ideas, and build great papers. When I'm not in the writing center you can find me in the gym or at the basketball court.

Pronouns: he/him/his

writing center youngelson profile

Nora Youngelson


Class of 2026

Major: Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture

A place that feels like home: Prospect Park

My name is Nora, and I am a sophomore CSLC major with a French concentration. I am excited to share my love of writing with others and offer help during any stage of the writing process! Outside of the Writing Center, you can find me playing Ultimate Frisbee for Oxy, watching live music or just reading a book on the quad.

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Lennon writing center profile bio

Luca Lennon


Class of 2027

Major: Diplomacy and World Affairs

Minor: Critical Theory and Social Justice

A place that feels like home:  The Jersey Shore

Hi my name is Luca, and I am a DWA major from Chicago. I am a Sophomore at Oxy, and I am ecstatic to be working at the writing center this year! Writing any kind of paper can be a frustrating process regardless of what stage you are at, but I hope to provide clarity and understanding to your assignments! Feel free to say hi to me whether I am in the discus ring, at the mp or, anywhere you might see me. I love surfing, listening to music (I'm a big Beabadoobee fan), watching Pacific Rim, and exploring neighborhoods around Eagle Rock!


Pronouns: he/him

writing center celi profile

Sophia Celi


Class of 2026

Major: Critical Theory & Social Justice and Comparative Studies in Literature & Culture

A place that feels like home: My mom’s living room couch while watching New Girl

My name is Sophia, and I’m a second year CTSJ and CSLC major. I’m thrilled to share a space with you all in the Writing Center so as to open a window into the creative and artistic hymn within each one of us. When not in the Writing Center, you can catch me in the dance studio or sprawled out by the fountain with a pen in hand. Giving movement to language and language to movement through dance and writing inspires my work in the Writing Center!

Pronouns: she/her/hers

writing center prado-tucker profile

Sophie Prado-Tucker


Class of 2025

Major: History & Art History

A place that feels like home:  Buoux, Provence


My name is Sophie, and I'm a junior history and art history major. Writing is a process that is equally as intimidating as it can be rewarding. I am looking forward to sharing my love of the writing process and being a resource to students who desire assistance with their writing. Outside of the Writing Center, I am also the Art History peer tutor and enjoy cooking, exploring the city, and watching movies in my free time!   

Pronouns: she/her/hers




Contact Writing Center
Academic Commons

Ground Floor

Julie Prebel
Associate Professor, American Studies and Writing & Rhetoric; Director of Writing Center & Programs
Audrey Navarro
Department Coordinator for Disability Services, College Writing Program & the Writing Center