In her joint work, "Characterizing Software Maintainability in Issue Summaries using a Fuzzy Classifier," with M. Shoga and B. Boehm, they build a fuzzy classifier with linguistic patterns to automatically map issue summaries into the seven subgroup SQ classifications provided in a software maintainability ontology. This work investigates how long it takes to generate a stable set of rules and evaluate the performance of the rule set on both rule generating and nonrule generating projects. The results validate the generalizability of the fuzzy classifier in correctly and automatically identifying the subgroup SQ classifications from given issue summaries. This provides a building block for analyzing project maintainability on a larger scale.
"Characterizing Software Maintainability in Issue Summaries using a Fuzzy Classifier," 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS)
In her joint work, "Exploring the Dependency Relationships between Software Qualities," with M. Shoga and B. Boehm, the dependencies between bugs and the qualities they express are explored. This work proposes a road map which will use the fuzzy classifier (described above) to explore patterns for these relations and identify potential conflicts and synergies between these means-end qualities.
"Exploring the Dependency Relationships between Software Qualities," 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C)