History class of 2020's senior comprehensive project presentations.
Schedule and List of Presenters:
2:00 Welcome
2:05 Leah Harman, Manly Medicine: Masculinity in the 19th Century Debate on Puerperal Fever
2:20 Claire Pollard, How to Kill a Queen: Misogyny’s Deadly Effects on Elizabeth I and Mary of Scots
2:35 Maria Barkhurst, A Mechanism for Fundamental Cultural Change’: The Chicana Movement’s Use of the Law as a Tool of Resistance
2:50 Vinny Bartholomew, The Occupation of Japan: ‘The Blue-Eyed Shogun’ and Occupation Culture
3:05 Emily Jo Wharry, Student Club to Supreme Court: The Federalist Society's Origins on Law School Campuses
3:20 Josh Harris, More than a Game: Sports, Globalization and the Making of National Identity
3:35 Kevin Conroy, Constituting Workers Democracy, The Political Economy, and Everyday life At China’s Biggest Steel Mill In the Mao Era
3:50 Jiahui Yue, China within Soviet Influence, 1934 – 1949
4:05 Billy Grossman, Interest Groups Abroad: The Role of the Israel Lobby on American Foreign Policy in the 1970’s and 1980’s
4:20 Andrew Leffler, Algerians Against Algeria: The Harkis in the Colonial Quests to Identify
4:35 Alexander Klas, Fascism’s Final Hour: Italian Agency in the Republic of Salò
4:50 Gregory Kleinman, A New Millennium: Shifting Politics of Holocaust Memory in American Jewish Identities
5:05 Spencer Raub, Northern Loyalty Tests vs White Texas Pride: A Displaced Animosity
5:20 Kainan Short, Jesse James—From Guerilla to Gunfighter: The Conflation of The Confederate and The Outlaw in Film