Join us to hear about colleagues’ work while on sabbatical last semester!
Date: Monday, September 23, 2019
Time: 11:45-1:45pm
(feel free to drop in as your schedule allows)
Location: Dumke Faculty Lounge, AGC
Faculty will discuss the scholarly work they did while on leave last semester. Lunch served.
Hanan Elsayed, Spanish & French Studies
Sharla Fett, History
Nina Gelbart, History
Mary Beth Heffernan, Art & Art History
Sarah Kozinn, Theater
Brandon Lehr, Economics
Ross Lerner, English
Justin Li, Cognitive Science & Computer Science
John McCormack, Biology
Jesse Mora, Economics
Andrew Shtulman, Psychology
Eileen Spain, Chemistry
Eric Sundberg, Mathematics
Kirsten Wandschneider, Economics