In light of recruitment week, I thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about what drove me to join Greek Life here at Oxy! When I first told my friends and family about my decision to participate in the Greek system, I was bombarded with an array of questions, the main one being why I wanted to go Greek in a smaller campus.
My first year at Oxy was hectic and overwhelming at best. I was confused by everything that was college, and couldn’t seem to find my place in the campus community. There were a number of opportunities that I wanted to take, but ended up avoiding, as my hesitance to engage in campus activities got to the best of me. Given my first year experience, I wanted to become more active in Oxy student life and decided to pursue that interest through Greek life.
Though it’s only been one semester since I went through recruitment, my experience so far has been nothing but uplifting and encouraging. For one, participating in recruitment has helped me branch out and move out of my comfort zone. Currently, I’m a member of the Delta Omicron Tau (DOT) sorority, and I’ve met some of my closest friends through this organization (Hi Grace, if you’re reading this). By being a part of Delta, I’m constantly surrounded by compassionate and empowering women who motivate me to strive for my best in everything I do. From actively giving back to our community through service and fundraising, to encouraging one another to pursue our academic interests, Deltas are always going out of their ways to make a positive impact in their communities. I’m proud to be a part of an organization that holds scholarship, service, and sisterhood so close to its mission, and I know that my decision to join Greek life at Oxy was the right one for me!