The East Asian Studies, Japanese Studies, and Chinese Studies Department invite you to attend their Senior Comp Presentations.
*Note time change from original event.
Perrin Shyne (East Asian Studies): "Money and Riots: Exploring the Financial Backdrop of the 2019 Hong Kong Protests."
Isabel Sung (East Asian Studies): "Activism in Hong Kong: How Past Protest Movements Shape Current Demonstrations."
Kevin Conroy (East Asian Studies): "Modernazation and Repression: The Japanese Industrialization of Manchurian."
Huixi Yang (East Asian Studies): "The Development of the Tea Industry in Contemporary China."
Chengtian Yu (Japanese Studies): "Japanese Culinary Traditions: A Translation of Food-Related Texts."
Carol Beckett (Group Language: Japanese and Chinese): "What is Sensei: A Study through Japanese Novels and Everyday Usage" and "An Analysis on a Translation of the First Five Chapters of (Taoqibao Ma Xiaotiao Tongzhuoyuanjia)."
Karin Uzawa (Group Language: Japanese and Linguistics): "Consonant Gemination in Japanese Loanwords: A Comparative Literature of Review on the Phoenetics and Phonology."
Robert Shreiber (Chinese Studies): "Translation of I Love Dollars."
Thomas Robertson (Group Languages: Chinese and French): "Reading Between the Panels: Comparing LGBTQ+ Representation in Chinese Webcomics and African Bande Desinée."