Learn more about advising, registration, and the different offices that exist to support students!
This hour-long virtual tour will introduce you to some of the key offices that help keep Oxy's academic program running. You'll have a chance to meet employees from the Dean's Office, Advising Center, and Registrar's Office and learn more about what each of these offices do. This fun and casual event will answer questions such as:
- Where are these offices located on campus?
- What's the function of the Dean of the College's Office?
- What is the Registrar's Office and what services does it offer?
- What's a petition and why would I submit one?
- Who advises students on campus and what's the Advising Center?
- ... and any other questions you may have!
This workshop is open to all Oxy students, but particularly aimed at first-years. Registering in advance is completely optional, but helps us know how many people to expect! Optional Registration Form: https://forms.gle/
Thursday, March 4: 2-3pm PST
Zoom link: https://occidental.zoom.us/j/
Password: oswald