A senior comprehensive project by Makaela Vogel
Event Date: Apr. 17, 2021
Playwright: Makaela Vogel
Director: Jonathan Muñoz-Proulx
Assistant Director: Brendan Hughes
Starring: Makaela Vogel
Music by: Christine DuBois
Performs: April 17th at 4pm-5pm PDT
Admission is free.
Join us for a post-show talk with Makaela!
Post-show talk
Meeting ID: 249 742 0855
Based on interviews Makaela Vogel conducted with her 8 aunts, she wrote a play all about the journey of leaving home. This documentary style play uses exact quotes from her aunts where they explore what it means to be independent and the importance of family.
Support for this project provided by Omar's Cookie Jar.
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