Interested in applying to and attending a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program? Join this event!
Adjustments for Kurtosis and Continuity on the Prentice Test
Speaker: Lily Gebhart
Lily Gebhart is a junior Math and Cognitive Science major at Occidental College. This past summer, she participated in the Rutgers University Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) REU, exploring Improved Adjustments for Kurtosis and Continuity on the Prentice Test. This work was presented at the DIMACS REU Program Conference in July 2023 and will be presented at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research at CSU Long Beach in November 2023.
The Prentice Test is a non-parametric statistical test for the two-way analysis of variance using ranks often approximated using the Chi-square distribution. This project investigated improved adjustments to this null distribution correcting for continuity, and multivariate skewness and kurtosis.
WebAssembly Benchmarking
Speaker: Carly Venenciano
Carly Venenciano is a junior Math major at Occidental College. Her project, WebAssembly Benchmarking, compared various WebAssembly engines across timed metrics. Her research examined the tradeoffs between different engine configurations. In addition to her research, Carly will discuss her experience being a math major in a computer science-based program.
This research was conducted during the summer of 2023 at Carnegie Mellon University's REU in Software Engineering, under the mentorship of Dr. Ben L. Titzer and Dr. Heather Miller, alongside Alexa Halim (Wellesley College).