Please join the History Dept. for their Senior Comps Event Tues. Dec 5, 3-6pm Choi Auditorium followed by Reception 5:45-7pm John 101 - Global Forum
3:00 Patrick Fennessey "No One Likes Us And We Don’t Care: Deconstructing the Mythos of Philadelphia Eagles Fandom, 1960-1971"
3:20 Jake Landsberg "B’nai B'rith Messenger: The Story of Jewish Internationalism in Los Angeles, 1920-1939"
3:40 Arin Littman "Good for the Jews or Bad for the Jews? Jewish Identity on Trial in Cold War America, 1947-1953"
4:00 Lila O'Leary "Saving the World Through Music: Evangelical Missionary Musicians and US Empire, 1975-1995"
4:30 Sevrin Weed "The Scars of Nordland: Nazi Occupation, Complicity and Norwegian Cultural Amnesia, 1941-1945"
4:50 Pilli Jaquez “'East and West are One': Solidarity in Chicano and Asian American Anti-War Activism, 1968-1980"
5:10 Thea Wilson “Labor, Subjugation, and Colonization: Japanese American Incarceration on the Colorado River Indian Reservation, 1942-1945”