Day of the Dead
Having survived her share of video corpses, Angela Kang '98 finds her footing as a writer/producer on TV's hottest series, AMC's "The Walking Dead"
Catherine An
Secrets of the House of An
Catherine An '02 never set out to join her parents and sisters as a restaurateur, but the chance to create her own niche proved as irresistible as Mama's garlic noodles
Bright Idea
Entrepreneurs Richard Highsmith '10 and Noah Applebome '10 charge into the burgeoning solar backpack market with affordable, portable power. Can BirkSun elbow its way to the mountaintop?
Taking Home Oscar
Technically, he got a medal, not the world's most recognized trophy. Still, Raffy Cortina '13 made Oxy history by winning top honors at the Student Academy Awards with his short Bottled Up
13 Alumni Who Shaped Los Angeles
From planning the freeway system and aiding the conservation movement to bringing the Dodgers and the Olympics to town, Oxy alumni have been integral to the development of the City of Angels...
Life of Jaws
Fascinated by sharks from an early age, marine biologist Lisa Natanson '81 takes to the ocean, her $17 knife close at hand, to explore the mysteries of nature's most toothsome predators
Portland Trail Blazer
LiFT Label founder Bobby Bonaparte '10 charts new territory with a DIY fashion line that reflects his hometown's culture
Gap CEO Art Peck
Windows to the World
When Art Peck '77 stepped into the presidency of Gap North America in February 2011, the iconic retailer had fallen out of fashion. Now that he's turned the brand around, he's out to...
The Long Engagement
Fifty years after a disapproving dad quashed their dream wedding, Janice Rude '64 and Prentiss Willson '65 tie the knot at Oxy
Sticking to his Story
Peanut butter is the staff of life for many college students—and biographer Jon Krampner '74 spreads it on thick in a comprehensive history of this all-American food
Professor Regina Freer, Occidental College
Engaged and Infused
Politics professor Regina Freer—a political bystander turned L.A. insider—brings the heart of a community activist to the dynamics of city planning
MarchFourth Marching Band leader John Averill '89
March Madness
Wrangling 40 mismatched musicians is no easy task, but MarchFourth Marching Band leader John Averill '89 keeps them moving in step both literally and artistically
Pierce Brooks '49, The Onion Field
Criminal Mindset
Utilizing patience, persistence, and imagination, Pierce Brooks '49 collared many a felon by outthinking his prey