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New Scholarship Program Aimed at Middle-Income California Students Launched
A new $3.2 million challenge fund will kickstart a drive to create the Edgerton-Occidental Merit Scholarship Program, a $9.6 million endowed fund that will make it possible for...
Joshua Medina ’19 Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Joshua Medina ’19, whose chance encounters at Occidental with Greek statuary videos and a dog named Fred led to a new 3-D technique for documenting the colors of bird plumage, has...
From 'Hairspray' to 'Hamilton'
DWA and politics major Lencia Kebede ’16 finds her way from the footlights of Keck Theater to the touring companies of two of Broadway’s biggest shows
C. Riley Snorton Named 2020 Stafford Ellison Wright Black Alumni Scholar-in-Residence
University of Chicago cultural theorist C. Riley Snorton has been named Occidental College’s 2020 Stafford Ellison Wright Black Alumni Scholar-in-Residence.
Occidental Upward Bound Celebrates 55 Years of Success
In 1965, as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, Occidental College signed up for a new program called Upward Bound created to see if low-income high school students...
Jeff Flake to Speak Feb. 5 as Distinguished Kemp Lecturer
Former U.S. Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona will discuss the current state of conservatism and partisan politics with former Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods ’76 on February 5 as...
2019 Hall of Fame Class Announced
A dominating baseball team, an international volleyball star, an Olympic hurdler, a PGA tour champion and an All-American water polo goalie will be inducted into the Occidental...
Karalee Nakatsuka ’89 Named California History Teacher of the Year
Middle school history teacher Karalee Wong Nakatsuka ’89 has an unmistakable passion for her subject. “I like to make history come alive for my students,” says the 30-year Arcadia...
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