Keep up to date on Oxy’s latest news and events. For more information, contact the College’s Office of Marketing and Communications.

Band Practice
Occidental’s Jack Kemp Stadium will be host to the Michigan State Spartan Marching Band and the Florida State Marching Chiefs as they practice for the Rose Bowl and BCS...
Body and Mind
Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, two exciting new minors -- public health and neuroscience -- will be offered at Occidental.
Remembering Omar
Professor Emeritus of Theater Arts and Rhetoric and one of the most beloved characters on campus, Omar Paxson died Dec. 18, 2013.
Glee Club Magical History Tour
The Occidental College Glee Club is embarking on a nine-day magical history tour of Spain and Portugal in January 2014.
Presidential Inspiration
The legacy of human rights activist and former South African president Nelson Mandela extends all the way to Eagle Rock.
Surveys Say...Still Great
The latest college survey numbers are in. While the numbers vary from year to year and from methodology to methodology, the bottom line is always the same: Oxy is one of the...
Where I Was on Nov. 22, 1963: The Quad
In Los Angeles, JFK’s assassination was a mid-morning event. I was a senior at Occidental, having morning coffee when a friend barged into the Student Union, yelling that the...
Friends in High Places
Pretty much everyone knows about the Oxy alumnus in the White House (Barack Obama ’83). But Occidental is well-represented in local politics as well.
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