A message from Human Resources addressing issues related to student employment now that most students have left campus.
Students: For those of you with work-study awards in your financial aid package who were working at the time the College announced it was moving to online instruction, you will be paid your full spring semester stipend, whether or not you are able to continue to work (see below).
Supervisors of Student Employees:
Given Thursday’s announcement that the College will be moving to remote learning and that most students will be leaving campus, there are a number of issues related to student employment (work-study and non-work study) that I want supervisors to be aware of.
Many supervisors have expressed concerns over whether student employees can work during this time or whether their work-study students will continue to receive their previously packaged financial aid.
Student employees will be able to work during this time, and work-study students who have been previously packaged by financial aid (and were working at the time that it was announced that we would be moving to online instruction) will receive the full amount of the work-study component or work-award component of their financial aid package. The good-faith assumption is that if a student can work and is asked to work, they will perform the job that they are asked to do.
Here are the basic principles that will guide College decision-making on student employment.
Student employees who work, will get paid
All students who have successfully petitioned to remain on campus and can continue in their current job will get paid.
Any student who lives off campus and continues performing their current job responsibilities on campus will get paid.
Any student who can continue working remotely, with advance approval from their supervisor and the student employment office, will get paid.
Any student who meets all of the following conditions will be paid the balance of their work-study allotment (regardless of whether they can still perform their job or not):
eligible for work-study or work-award funds;
was working when the College asked students to leave; and,
has left campus housing by March 20.
In order to make all of this work, we need your help. Please respond to (Luis Saucedo) by (March 20) with responses to all of the following points.
Please provide to HR a list of all of your student employees, and include which will be actively working and which will not be actively working.
If you don’t already know their plans, you should reach out to all of your student employees. Some may be awaiting the outcome of the housing petition process which will be addressed by Tuesday morning.
Please inform the students that, if they are actively working either on campus or remotely, they still need to complete timesheets in order to get paid.
As before, you will continue to approve timesheets of working students in order for them to be paid.
The goal with this plan is to do right by you, do right by the students and still continue with business operations, where possible. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Escobar (lescobar@oxy.edu, ext. 1432), Luis Saucedo (lsaucedo@oxy.edu, ext. 2937) or me.
Randy Glazer
Associate Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer