All diagnostic evaluation reports submitted as documentation of a learning disability must be current and completed by a professional who is qualified and appropriately licensed to diagnose learning disorders. The report must adhere to the following guidelines

  1. The evaluation report must minimally contain measures that address: Aptitude (IQ), achievement (reading, math, and written language), and processing (e.g. visual and auditory).
  2. Testing must include normed tests such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales 4th Edition (WAIS-IV), etc.
  3. Screening tests, such as the Wide-Range Achievement Test (WRAT), the Nelson Denny Reading Test, or the Peabody Individual Achievement Test cannot be used as the sole measure of achievement.
  4. All subtest, factor, and index scores must be provided for all measures reported. Additionally, the classification ranges associated with these scores should be noted (e.g. borderline, average, high average).
  5. The report must include pertinent history related to the learning disorder and information that describes how the learning disorder currently affects academic performance and contributes to a significant impairment in academic functioning.
  6. The evaluation report must contain a clear statement of diagnosis of the specific learning disorder based upon established clinical criteria (e.g., American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - V (DSM-V). Vague terms such as "may have," "seems to have," or "suggests" are not acceptable as diagnostic.
  7. The assessment must include an interpretative summary that includes:
  • An indication that alternative explanations for the student's presenting symptoms have been ruled out.
  • A description of the functional limitations caused by the learning disability on the student's current participation in College programs, courses, and other activities of the College.
  • Recommendations for necessary and appropriate accommodations to equalize the student's educational opportunities at Occidental College.

Last updated: July 17, 2013

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