All documentation submitted as evidence of a psychological/psychiatric disability must be current. All documentation must be provided by a professional who is qualified and appropriately licensed to diagnose such disorders.

  1. Documentation supporting a psychological/psychiatric disability should include a specific diagnosis based upon established clinical criteria (e.g., Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5th Edition). Further, an indication of the student's current symptoms supporting this diagnosis and the degree of impairment caused by this disorder should be reported.
  2. Documentation should include any pertinent history related to the disorder and information that describes how the disorder currently impacts academic performance and causes significant impairment in academic functioning.
  3. The methods utilized to determine the diagnosis should be reported (e.g. clinical interview).
  4. Recommendations for accommodations should be included.
  5. Documentation should include information regarding prognosis for improvement and the timeline for re-evaluation. Due to the transitory nature of many psychological/psychiatric disabilities, annual re-evaluations are usually required.


Last updated July 17, 2013

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