Raised in the Northern suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, Jonah looked forward to attending undergraduate school in the sunnier and warmer climate of Los Angeles. Currently a rising senior (‘24), Jonah is majoring in Critical Theory & Social Justice (CTSJ), with a minor in Education. In addition to his responsibilities as an Admissions Intern, Jonah is an all-conference athlete 400-meter hurdles on our track & field team. Furthermore, he contributes to the success of our national qualifying ultimate frisbee team. Outside of sports, Jonah actively participates in various clubs and organizations on campus. He serves as the fundraising chair for the Habitat for Humanity Club, engages with the Neighborhood Partnership Program, and loves working with younger children at our on-campus daycare, the Child Development Center. As Jonah approaches graduation, he envisions his future in public policy. He plans to pursue a master's degree and hopes to work within the educational system, utilizing his passion to bring about positive change.