This section covers all the requirements and timelines for Senior Comprehensive Projects in Music.

All Music majors must propose a senior comprehensive project according to the guidelines of their declared focus/concentration. During the fifth semester (for most students, this is the fall semester of your junior year), you must meet with your advisor to discuss your proposal ideas; by January 15, you must submit your proposal. If you fail to submit your proposal by January 15, the Department will assign a paper topic for MUSC 490 (Senior Seminar), and you will be required to take an exam rather than submit a portfolio, give a recital, and/or give a presentation. If the faculty requires you to revise and resubmit all or part of your proposal, you must do so by the first Monday following spring break.

Click below on your focus/concentration for its comprehensive project guidelines. Please review the proposal requirements for your focus/concentration before you meet with your advisor to discuss your project ideas (see link below). You will be emailed a proposal submission link by December 1. All concentrations include written and public components. Each senior project component is graded Pass with Distinction (PD), Pass (P), or Fail (F). 


Foundations of Music Creation Focus

Foundations of Music Creation Focus + Production Concentration

Foundations of Music Creation Focus + Composition Concentration

Instrumental Performance Focus

Vocal Performance Focus

Music Studies Focus

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