RELS - Religious Studies
- RELS 110 Introduction to Native American Religions
- RELS 111 Displaced peoples of the Mediterranean
- RELS 113 Religion and Horror: Gods, Ghosts, Demons, and Monsters
- RELS 120 How to Live in the Midst of Dying: Religion and Climate Change
- RELS 121 The History of the Devil
- RELS 130 Jews, Judaisms, and Jewish Identities
- RELS 145 Introduction to American Religion
- RELS 147 "Cults" and "Sects": New Religious Movements in the Americas
- RELS 150 Introduction to Islam
- RELS 160 How to Live and Die Well in Buddhist Traditions
- RELS 169 Transpacific Movements and Activisms: Asian and Asian American Connections Across the Pacific
- RELS 190 History of Early Christianity
- RELS 193 Directed Research
- RELS 197 Independent Study
- RELS 200 Psychedelics and Religion
- RELS 203 Food and Religion: When Eating is Believing
- RELS 204 Queering Religion
- RELS 205 Holy Sh*t!: Engaging the Materiality of Religion
- RELS 207 Kabbalah & Jewish Mysticism
- RELS 208 Black Power and Jews, Black Power and Palestine
- RELS 210 God and Money: Religion in the Marketplace
- RELS 212 Jerusalem: A Holy City
- RELS 214 Medicine, Magic, Miracle: Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean
- RELS 215 Shamans, Sages, and Spirits in East Asia
- RELS 221 “Indecent” Liberation in Latin America
- RELS 228 Religion, Liberation, and Latin American Social Movements
- RELS 232 Ancient Israel and the Hebrew Bible
- RELS 235 Gendering Jews in Southwest Asia and North Africa
- RELS 242 Environmental Ethics and Religion
- RELS 245 African American Religious Traditions
- RELS 246 Muslim Abolitionist Futures
- RELS 248 Religion in Los Angeles
- RELS 250 Critical Approaches to the Study of Religion
- RELS 252 Islam and Capitalism
- RELS 255 What is the Shari’a? Justice, Law, and Ethics in Islam
- RELS 256 Borderland Buddhisms: Religion in Tibet and the Himalayas
- RELS 257 The Past, Present, and Politics of Antisemitism
- RELS 258 Magic, Morality, and Modernity in China
- RELS 259 Black Magic
- RELS 261 Between Empire and Appropriation: Buddhism in the Modern World
- RELS 266 Sexuality and Gender in Buddhism
- RELS 276 Empire and Religion in Asia and the Pacific
- RELS 277 History of the End of the World
- RELS 281 The Religious Right
- RELS 293 Directed Research
- RELS 295 Topics in Religious Studies
- RELS 297 Independent Study
- RELS 302 Spirit Possession
- RELS 335 Downloading Deities, Mediating Meditation, Streaming Spirits: Religion and Media in Asia
- RELS 351 "Good" Sex: History of Sexual Ethics
- RELS 393 Directed Research in Religious Studies
- RELS 395 Special Topics in Religious Studies
- RELS 397 Independent Study
- RELS 490 Senior Seminar
- RELS 493 Advanced Directed Research in Religious Studies
- RELS 497 Independent Study
- RELS 499 Honors