The Young Initiative Newsletter provides updates and reviews on current and upcoming activities. This dynamic newsletter builds a community around topics of international affairs and the Global Political Economy.

View our archive of past newsletters.


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Current Newsletter

Young Newsletter - Spring 2024

Past Newsletters

Young Newsletter - Fall 2023

Young Newsletter - Spring 2023

Young Newsletter - Fall 2022

Young Newsletter - Spring 2022

Young Newsletter - Fall 2021

Young Newsletter - Spring 2021

Young Newsletter - Fall 2020


Annual Reports

The Young Initiative at Occidental College is funded by an endowment that supports programs and research designed to promote national or international economic, social, financial policies and actions of general public and social benefit.

Our annual report provides a comprehensive overview of programs and activities of the previous academic year. If you would like a hard copy of the report, please contact

Please click on the covers below to view the corresponding Annual Report.


Young Initiative 2022-2023 Annual Report Cover




Past Reports







Contact the John Parke Young Initiative on the Global Political Economy
Johnson Hall

The McKinnon Center for Global Affairs