The Young Initiative invites foreign policy experts and guest speakers to campus to engage in discussions on international relations and the global political economy with students and faculty.

Upcoming Events

Annually: United Nations Week

With the William and Elizabeth Kahane United Nations Program, the Young Initiative supports the annual United Nations Week at Occidental College, each spring. We are passionate in maintaining students involvement and engagement in sustainable development. Our students choose topics that link Global Political Economy, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development.

Ongoing Young Speakers Events

Young Initiative speakers give students and faculty an opportunity to expand their understanding of global issues. The Young Initiative sponsors several speakers each academic year highlighting particular aspects of global affairs and the global political economy.  The Young Speakers program is devoted to highlighting the work and success of eminent international affairs experts and Oxy alumni in public service and academia.


Harnessing the Data Revolution to Achieve the Global Sustainable Development Goals

Every two days, we create enough data to equal the total amount created prior to 2003, according to Professor Sanjeev Khagram, who spoke Tuesday night in a talk titled "Harnessing the Data Revolution to Achieve the Global Sustainable Development Goals." As part of the Sustainable Development Speaker Series, Professor Khagram explained his research and role in creatin

The U.S. & China After Obama

The McKinnon Center for Global Affairs and Occidental’s History department welcomed two prominent China thinkers to the college on Thursday, February 25, 2016. Professor Gordon H. Chang (Stanford, History) lectured in Choi Auditorium delivering, "Entwined Destinies: America and China and the History of the Present." Just before, Ambassador Jeffrey Bader spoke about post-Obama U.S.

Not all rights have Norms: Blame Diffusion in International Anti-Hunger Advocacy at the U.N. and Elsewhere

Michelle Jurkovich’s talk "Not all rights have Norms: Blame Diffusion in International Anti-Hunger Advocacy at the U.N. and Elsewhere" began in an unconventional way. Rather than speaking on the topic before ceding to questions, Jurkovich began by confronting the audience with deceptively simple questions. What are the causes of chronic hunger? Who is to blame?

United Nations Week: The UN and the US after Obama

With his encyclopedic knowledge of the United Nations, Stephen Schlesinger was an informative speaker whose talk, "The UN and the US after Obama," concluded United Nations Week by reflecting back on the history of the UN and predicted its future trajectory.

Image for United Nations Week: Lloyd Axworthy
United Nations Week: Lloyd Axworthy

United Nations Week has served as a focal point for bringing together speakers, presentations and visual media to summarize and analyze issues surrounding international governance.

Image for 2016 Young Future of Diplomacy Series Kicks Off wi
2016 Young Future of Diplomacy Series Kicks Off with Ambassador Jeffrey Davidow

Former U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Davidow visited Occidental College early in the spring semester, kicking off the 2016 Young Future of Diplomacy Series, coordinated by Oxy’s Director of Global Affairs Ambassador Derek Shearer.

Dr. Warigia Bowman: Censorship or Self-Control?

As a scholar with close personal ties to Occidental College, Dr. Warigia Bowman was excited to be on campus on Monday, Jan. 25. A professor of African politics at the University of Arkansas’ Clinton School of Public Service, Dr. Bowman spoke about her recent research regarding hate speech and the use of text messaging in the 2013 Kenyan elections. 


Stephen Walt: Follies, Foibles, and Fiascos

On November 19, students filled the Johnson Atrium to see Stephen Walt, preeminent international relations scholar at Harvard’s Kennedy School, give his talk "Follies, Foibles, and Fiascoes: Why American Foreign Policy keeps Failing."

Image for Rio On The Brink
Rio On The Brink

Journalist Juliana Barbassa visited Occidental College on Thursday, November 12, 2015 to speak at two events.

Image for A Conversation with Unni Turrettini
A Conversation with Unni Turrettini

Just before the lunch hour on Wednesday, November 4, 2015, the McKinnon Center for Global Affairs hosted Norwegian author Unni Turrettini in the Johnson Global Atrium.

Contact the John Parke Young Initiative on the Global Political Economy
Johnson Hall

The McKinnon Center for Global Affairs