
78 Days of Relief: A Conversation with EJ Hill and Texas Isaiah

For the first time, EJ Hill and Texas Isaiah will commune and discuss Excellentia, Mollitia, Victoria. Excellentia, Mollitia, Victoria, was presented at the Hammer Museum's Made in L.A. 2018 and explored performance, stills, and installation as a form of meditation and healing. For Excellentia, Mollitia, Victoria, Hill and Texas Isaiah visited six of the seven schools Hill attended in Los Angelesrunning laps around and documenting each.

Food Mapping with Treehouse Family Space

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Join Treehouse Family Space and Make Art Outside for an exploration and celebration of food cultures around the globe! Families are invited to create artworks of food to place on a large scale map to connect what we eat to different parts of the world. This activity is intended for children ages 3+ with adult supervision. 20 kids maximum. RSVP to