Press Coverage
- Big [If True] (02/23/25)
- All Things Considered (11/04/24)
- Skeptical Inquirer (11/01/24)
- HuffPost Italia (10/30/24)
- Skeptic (10/03/24)
- Slant (09/30/24)
- Interalia Magazine (03/15/24)
- Fusion (03/08/24)
- The Edge (02/07/24)
- Investor's Business Daily (01/12/24)
- The Economic Times (12/26/23)
- Weekendavisen (12/10/23)
- Occidental Magazine (12/03/23)
- Wall Street Journal (12/01/23)
- Princeton Alumni Weekly (11/08/23)
- Harvard Magazine (11/01/23)
- Library Journal (10/01/23)
- Science (09/21/23)
- Bored Panda (07/03/23)
- The Conversation (06/25/23)
- The Humanist (03/28/23)
- The Guardian (03/14/23)
- Skeptic (12/31/21)
- New York Times (06/11/21)
- The Huffington Post (05/11/21)
- Observer (02/26/21)
- Nature: Science of Learning (02/25/21)
- Nature: Science of Learning (12/20/20)
- Occidental Magazine (11/30/20)
- Quillette (11/22/20)
- La Verdad (10/21/20)
- Inverse (08/18/20)
- Kinfolk (03/01/19)
- Standard-Examiner (02/27/19)
- The Buffalo News (02/03/18)
- The Matt Townsend Show (01/26/18)
- KPCW's Cool Science Radio (12/21/17)
- CNN (12/19/17)
- New Scientist (12/13/17)
- The New Yorker (11/06/17)
- Huffington Post (11/06/17)
- The New York Times (09/22/17)
- The Christian Century (09/07/17)
- The Guardian (07/28/17)
- Colloquy Magazine (07/27/17)
- Englewood Review of Books (07/05/17)
- Washington Post (05/25/17)
- Wall Street Journal (05/19/17)
- Inverse (05/15/17)
- Nature (05/11/17)
- New York Magazine (05/01/17)
- Scientific American (05/01/17)
- Science (04/27/17)
- San Francisco Examiner (04/26/17)
- KPCC's Air Talk (04/25/17)
- Occidental Weekly (04/25/17)
- Publisher's Weekly (03/27/17)
- Bloomberg View (02/23/17)
- Der Tagesspiegel (11/30/16)
- Food Safety Magazine (10/18/16)
- Neue Zurcher Zeitung (09/29/16)
- Occidental Magazine (06/15/16)
- The Guardian (03/31/16)
- The Conversation (03/23/15)
- Scientias (12/22/15)
- Philly Voice (12/15/15)
- El Espanol (12/14/15)
- Occidental Weekly (11/15/15)
- National Geographic (03/01/15)
- El Tiempo (03/01/15)
- Tulsa World (03/01/15)
- The Dallas Morning News (02/27/15)
- The Guardian (02/27/15)
- The Washington Post (02/12/15)
- The Journal-Courier (12/30/14)
- National Public Radio (12/25/14)
- Slate (12/24/14)
- Vice (12/22/14)
- Southern California Public Radio (12/18/14)
- Guardian Liberty Voice (06/25/14)
- CBS News (04/21/14)
- Techly (04/09/14)
- National Public Radio (03/10/14)
- Forbes (01/30/13)
- Hayadan (01/05/13)
- Scientific American (12/26/12)
- Psychology Today (09/01/12)
- Scientific American Mind (08/21/12)
- Science (07/13/12)
- Luxe Radio (06/26/12)
- Le Monde (06/24/12)
- Wissenrockt (06/09/12)
- The New Yorker (06/07/12)
- Occidental Magazine (10/25/10)
- Harvard Gazette (03/02/06)
Blog/Podcast Coverage
- Almanacco Della Scienza (03/13/25)
- Empathy Gaps (01/13/25)
- Children and Screens (11/19/24)
- LessWrong (03/04/24)
- Sixty + Me (02/16/24)
- State of Mind (01/24/24)
- BJGP Life (01/22/24)
- La Tete Dans Le Cerveau (12/14/23)
- The Michael Shermer Show (12/12/23)
- Medium (09/23/23)
- Parenting Science (07/01/23)
- Center for Inquiry (01/17/23)
- Center for Inquiry (11/28/22)
- The Armen Show (11/3/22)
- Parenting Science (02/17/22)
- Unsiloed (02/02/22)
- Psychology Today (12/06/21)
- Reified Imaginaries (04/10/21)
- Mind Research Institute (04/05/21)
- Recover Yourself (10/11/20)
- Psychology Today (06/30/20)
- Times Educational Supplement (11/18/19)
- British Psychological Society (01/29/19)
- Convenient Solutions (06/13/18)
- BePioneer (04/14/19)
- De Que Vais (04/10/18)
- LiveMint (03/24/18)
- 71 Republic (03/15/18)
- De Que Vais (02/01/18)
- Virtual Dr. (01/29/18)
- Echo Sciences (01/22/18)
- Two Shrinks Pod (12/19/17)
- Psychology Today (12/12/17)
- The Conversation (12/11/17)
- Psychonomic Society (06/27/17)
- A Chemical Orthodoxy (06/16/17)
- Psicología para Todos (12/21/16)
- Psychology Today (12/06/16)
- Junkee (09/09/16)
- Why Evolution Is True (07/17/16)
- Evolution Institute (02/26/16)
- Deily (01/09/16)
- Epiphenom (08/13/15)
- The Muslim Times (07/30/15)
- Bio-Tremplins (06/29/15)
- Deans for Impact (06/27/15)
- Psychologie Heute (03/24/15)
- Law Street (02/13/15)
- Humanists4Science (04/27/14)
- James Randi Educational Foundation (05/15/13)
- The Mind and You (01/16/13)
- Massive Error (07/31/12)
- Cultura 3.0 (07/17/12)
- Citizen Scientists League (06/25/12)
- Science + Religion Today (06/14/12)
- Thoughts on Thoughts (06/13/12)
- Art, Politics, Philosophy, Science (06/09/12)
- Cultural Cognition Project (06/06/12)
- Epiphenom (05/11/09)
- Mixing Memory (01/13/07)
- British Psychological Society (02/01/06)