Norris Hall of Chemistry Renovation

Occidental is committed to ensuring that our faculty and students have the technology, space, and resources they need to teach, learn, and perform cutting-edge research. To meet that goal, we are planning an exciting and much-needed renovation of Norris Hall of Chemistry.

The building, which opened in 1960, has served our campus well, but—aside from recent safety upgrades—it has not undergone significant renovations in more than 30 years. Thanks to the success of the Barbara and Michael Gibby ’68 Norris Hall of Chemistry Renovation Project Challenge,  which allowed us to raise an additional $1.5 million for the project, strong support from the foundation community, and Ed Clinton ’68 and Diane Clinton ’68, we are closing in on our $22 million goal to begin the next phase of renovations. Join us in this next exciting phase of development.

Your support will enable Occidental to attract and retain premier teacher-scholars and modernize our facilities to support cutting-edge discovery and provide meaningful experiences in the lab—an invaluable asset for all Oxy students and a significant advantage for those who go on to pursue advanced degrees and careers in the sciences.


“We are already modernizing the ways we approach our science and our research,” says Raul Navarro, an assistant professor of chemistry, “and with these critical renovations, Norris Hall of Chemistry will finally reflect those new approaches.”

Renovations will include expanded and redesigned teaching labs; state-of-the-art faculty research labs and new offices; new spaces to encourage collaboration, creative thinking, and problem solving among students; and an entirely new Academic Mastery Program center.

To support this top College priority, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at or call (323) 341-4OXY.

Supporting the Sciences at Occidental

On June 30, 2024, Occidental marked the successful close of an incredible challenge put forth by Barbara and Michael Gibby ’68, longtime supporters of the sciences at Oxy. Not only did the community rise to the challenge to raise the $700,000 needed to unlock the Gibbys’ transformational $1 million gift, we raised an additional $1.5 million for the project more than 100 individuals and foundations, including every member of the Board of Trustees. 

“I was privileged to spend many of my waking hours, from matriculation to graduation, in the Norris Hall of Chemistry, learning and interacting with outstanding faculty and talented peers. It really was a place where magic happened. With the passing of time, Norris is showing her age and modern pedagogy has stressed her limits. Barbara and I are committed to ensuring future Oxy generations have the same opportunities we had by modernizing Norris Hall of Chemistry so it can continue to inspire and attract the quality of faculty and students that make this place so special.”  –Mike Gibby ’68, former Occidental College Trustee; Founder, President and Chairman, Arion Systems, Inc.

“Oxy students need these tools to be ready for their future endeavors in the sciences and the world needs scientists to discover and unwrap the future needs of our planet. The close connections between professor and student that we experienced was a privilege and a rarity. It’s our obligation to preserve that experience for current and future Oxy students.”  —Edmond Clinton ’68 and Diane (Grossman) Clinton ’68

Alumni like Edmond Clinton ’68 and Diane (Grossman) Clinton ’68 know the impact an Oxy education can have on a graduate’s career and the power that philanthropy can have on a beloved institution. Crediting Professor of Chemistry Frank Lambert for instilling good habits which set them up for academic and professional successes—Edmond as an internist with Huntington Hospital and Diane a math teacher and administrator at La Cañada Unified School District—the couple are dedicated to preserving their experience for future students. After establishing an endowed fellowship with the Undergraduate Research Center, the Clintons were moved to make an additional investment of $1 million toward the Norris Hall of Chemistry renovation.

18 Young Scientists to Watch

Occidental’s labs are the launching pads for countless careers in the sciences—and here are 18 graduates of the last 20 years, nominated by their former faculty mentors, doing exemplary work in their field.

Oxy Science Stories

Liliana Madrid-Larranaga headshot
Liliana Madrid Larrañaga ’26
Biochemistry, Public Health
A peer health educator, Liliana is taking steps toward her dream career working in women’s healthcare.
Occidental College student Kiam Shamskhou headshot
Kian Shamskhou ’22
Kian studies chemical reactions that form bonds between carbon atoms, seeking to find less toxic alternatives.
Emmanuelle Despagnet-Ayoub
Associate Professor of Chemistry
In conjunction with Oxy, Emmanuelle is working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a technologist.

Alumni in the Sciences

Namandje Bumpus
Namandjé Bumpus '03
Biology Former Principal Deputy Commissioner, FDA
“I’m a scientist and my lab works on developing drugs for infectious disease, and I got my start at Oxy. I think an important aspect of education at Oxy is the depth and breadth of scientific exposure you get—it really is a gem.”
Cheryl Prigodich
Cheryl Prigodich '06
Psychology Principal Deputy Director, Center for Disease Control
“My time at Oxy helped prepare me for my professional career. I was afforded a breadth of experiences and received constant mentoring and guidance. These opportunities taught me discipline and hard work, helped me figure out what I’m passionate about...and prepared me for a life of public service.”
Contact Institutional Advancement
AGC Administrative Center 100

Occidental College
1600 Campus Road M-36
Los Angeles, CA 90041