The exterior of Berkus Hall, home to the Dean of Students Office

Occidental is committed to providing reasonable accommodations and support for students with disabilities.

If you are seeking accommodations for a documented physical, medical, psychological, or learning disability, you must request accommodations from the Disability Services office.

At the beginning of summer, you will be able to submit the accommodations request form to Disability Services with appropriate documentation for all academic and/or housing accommodation requests. The deadline for new students to submit accommodation requests for housing is July 1. Once your request is received, the Disability Services office will reach out to you with next steps.

There is no deadline for academic accommodations, though incoming students should apply as early as possible. The Disability Services office will begin intake meetings with incoming students in early June.

Students who do not have documentation but believe they may have a disability should contact the Disability Services office for consultation and support.


For more information, please contact Disability Services by phone at (323) 259-2969 or by email at