Our dining staff is dedicated to serving a wide variety of fresh, (locally sourced) food, including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options.
Meals on campus are managed and produced by Occidental’s own Campus Dining. Not only is the food delicious, with a wide variety of fresh, locally sourced food—including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options—but our dining services are also environmentally friendly and sustainable.
If you live in a residence hall, you are required to purchase a meal plan. Students living in other Occidental houses (or nearby in non-Oxy housing), may also purchase a plan. The meal plans can be used at any of the campus’ four dining facilities: the cafeteria-style Marketplace, the fast-casual Tiger Cooler cafe, the Saturday Dinner, and the student-run Green Bean coffee shop.
The meal plan form will open on May 1. Compare plans to determine which one is right for you, so you're ready when it goes live.
If you have any additional questions about meal plans, please contact Campus Dining at (323) 259-2629 or dining@oxy.edu.